
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Baking Soda The Wonder - 15 Uses Other Than For Baking

I'm all about couponing and saving money but I'm also about using as many all natural, homemade products as possible.  Baking Soda has made that so much easier for me.  Not only do I save money but I get to stay away from so many different chemicals, poisons and cancer causing agents that they put into our products.

It has so many uses, it's truly amazing!  I always have some around the house.  You can buy it in bulk but I prefer to buy Bob's Red Mill All Natural Baking Soda.  You can see and FEEL the difference, especially  when you are using it as a Face wash.  The all natural is smooth and gentle on your skin.  The other stuff, is rough and feels like it's tearing up your skin.  Yep, that's the difference between All Natural and Not Natural.

Here's just 15 uses for Baking Soda.  Google it, you'll find 100 more.  

Homemade Toothpaste - With Coconut Oil
Homemade Toothpaste - Without Coconut Oil

Face Scrub
Do you have oily skin?  My skin was so bad, I used to use Proactiv because it was the only thing that worked, most of the time.  Ever since I started using this Baking Soda scrub, my skin has been amazing and I NEVER have breakouts.  NEVER.  I only use it every 2-3 days with just basic rinsing in between.

Mix Baking Soda with water to make a paste, use paste to wash your face.  It's that easy.

Face Wash - Gentle
Is your skin a little more sensitive or dry?  Mix some ground oatmeal with water and a little bit of baking soda to make a nice mask.  You can also use lemon juice as an astringent.

Body Scrub
Have trouble with break outs on your arms, shoulders, chest and back?  Use Baking Soda and water to make a paste/body scrub.  Use lotion afterwards if you are prone to dry skin.

Shampoo Replacement
Yep, use Baking Soda to make your own Shampoo!

Laundry Detergent
There are so very many ways to make your own Laundry Detergent.  Most of them, include baking soda.
Here is a Powdered Recipe
Here is a No Grate Liquid Recipe
Here are 10 other recipes: 10 Homemade Laundry Soap Detergents

Laundry Deodorizer
Sprinkle a little baking soda in the wash cycle to get rid of bad smells

As an Antacid
Mix 1tsp baking soda in a glass of water and drink to get rid of acid, heartburn and gas.

Pretty much anything you can think of to clean, baking soda will do the job!

Keeps Cut Flowers Fresh Longer
Add a little baking soda to the water you keep your cut flowers in and they will last longer.

Sore Throat Remedy
Gargle Baking Soda and water to relieve a sore throat.

Mouth Wash
Need to freshen your breath?  Use a little baking soda in a glass of water and gargle.

Basic, Easy Homemade Deodorant/Antiperspirant 

Homemade Air Freshener
Make your own Natural Air Freshener

Rash Relief
Diaper Rash?  Put a little baking soda in baby's bath water.
Skin Rash? Bug Bite? Bee Sting? Use baking soda or a baking soda paste to help relieve discomfort.

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